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Join Suzan Nguyen at LD Camp

Suzan Nguyening is a Life Coach helping people overcome adversity, Speaker, and Author of ‘One Arm But Not Unarmed’.

Suzan experienced a life altering event after a traumatic car accident. In waking up from this near-death experience, she was introduced to her new self, with the loss of her right arm. While re-learning how to accomplish basic life tasks, she also experienced re-learning to live life. Emotionally, she ventured into a very dark place, one that left her hopeless, bitter and vulnerable.

Until one day- she decided to take her life experience and #bebetter instead of bitter.

With the help of those around her, Suzan coached herself out of that bitter place. She learned how to create joy from within and began helping others do the same. Her mission in life became clear- to help others turn adversities into advantages.

Suzan has completed coaching classes at Institute of Excellence in Professional Coaching and continues to stay educated about her passion- Positive Psychology. She has launched her own coaching practice by the name of BBnB Coaching. (be better, not bitter). Suzan is also certified in ‘Happiness’ and considers herself a Happiness Chief Encouragement Officer.

Suzan continues to spread her #bebetter message through her speaking engagements and by giving back to the community through volunteer efforts.

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